Time Warp, Space Warp, Alpha Centauri ~ 19 Jul 2013

The late rock musician Peter Ivers wrote a wonderful song, Alpha Centauri, that included the above title in the lyrics. What could be more appropriate as we stand on the verge of Mercury returning direct after a crazy Mercury retrograde? Here, it was monsoon-induced power glitches and subsequent Internet connectivity issues, extreme strangeness in online financial systems. Up above, water in a helmet ended an astronaut’s space walk and the planets prepare for the Star of David, two grand trines opposing one another. And there was that other little cyber-thing that many of you SkyScraping readers reported: It appears my last two posts were sent in December 1969 and January 1970. Yeah, I was doing astrology then, but Al Gore hadn’t invented the Internet yet!

As an aside, my e-mail campaign folks say it is an impossibility for some recipients to receive the correct send time and others not. But that’s what happened! So it’s not their problem obviously, but somewhere in a receiver’s ISP system or possibly some invisible cyber-switching station in the sky. Despite when it says it was sent, if you open the e-mail you will see the current date and time with the latest post. Truly it is not a matter of that was then, and it’s still then (or before).

So a time warp, space warp theme fits neatly. It fits within the upcoming grand sextile pattern, too. Being modestly generous with orbs, Venus and Orcus in Virgo will stand across the sky from Neptune and Chiron in Pisces. This opposition aligns with a series of time warping black holes in early Virgo and squares a pattern of similar space bending singularities in Sagittarius. The inspiration theme of the grand sextile explodes into fertile manifestation with this pattern... if. It’s not if and only if, but it is if.

If Virgo editorial skills do not diminish an idea before it has had an opportunity to be fully explained or allowed to blossom.

If Chiron in Pisces does not invoke any “wound” memories of a person not being enough, whether tall enough, smart enough, clever enough, funny enough or whatever enough. Neptune wishes there were a way to soothe the sting and restore creativity.

There is. It involves a time warp insertion process. Here goes. Imagine a time (or lifetime) in the future when the icky part of a diminishing life message no longer applies. Feel the confidence, certainty and creativity of being psychically unencumbered. Sit with this for a while. Quite a while. Allow the good feeling to ooze through all body cells and infuse into the core of DNA.

When that’s done, take this feeling and insert into a time - any time in this life or that - prior to when the wound that recently got in the way experienced its inciting incident. There. That’s done. And it works... as long as you don’t think about it and dissect the logic of what mysteriously and/or miraculously feels better.

The potency of the two grand trines can now bear fruit... or grow corn.

Grand trines are a closed loop. Creative juices flow, but without a “load” or productive application. One must be found to glean the most from the surging flow.

As the Moon in Taurus sextiles Mars and Jupiter in Cancer who sextile Venus and Orcus in Virgo and who sextile Saturn in Scorpio and who sextile Pluto in Capricorn and sextile Neptune and Chiron in Pisces, two interesting offshoot patterns appear. Pluto in Capricorn is square Uranus in Aries. Soon, so do Mars and Jupiter (the next SkyScraping post). And at the midpoint of Mars and Jupiter sextile Venus and Orcus is the Sun in Leo, never one to be neglected!

Pluto and Uranus have been at this square thing for quite a while. It would appear that people at large have not quite caught up with the possibilities of its greatest, high road manifestations. So, individuals need to exemplify how to apply change, seek evolution, and make a positive difference wherever they may travel. That’s where the Sun in Leo comes in.

While the Sun works favorably with Uranus in the current layout, he maintains particularly tense relationships with most of the other planets. Probably the strongest aspects are the square to Saturn in Scorpio and the quincunxes to Pluto in Capricorn and Neptune/Chiron in Pisces. The Sun takes this to mean (through the angle to Saturn) that determination, dedication and unswerving purpose must be ingrained into the consciousness. With the quincunxes to Pluto, Neptune and Chiron, the Sun knows to give enough ground when realizing that ego might be in the way of the large purpose agendas. He promises never to wear hurt feelings and ego bruises as merit badges. There’s a “that was then, this is now,” “I’m over that even though it was five minutes ago” rebounding resiliency to his brightness.

Be like the Sun, emanate and emanate again. Realize that all your output is not light and heat, which are more readily perceptible. There are other, far more subtle energetic influences in play (like the emanation of one’s aura).

I’m reminded of the childhood tale about the traveler walking a road, wearing a cape being observed by the wind and Sun. The wind and Sun get into a boasting contest that ends in a bet. Each bet that they can make the traveler loose his cape. Of course, the more the wind blows and blusters, the tighter the traveler secures the cape. When the Sun spreads its warming radiance, creating an exceptionally pleasant day, the traveler gratefully removes the protection apparel.

Similarly, those spreading their energy in all its spectrums, warm the travelers in life they encounter. The Sun is midway between Venus and Orcus - the promise you make to yourself about the application of your creativity - and Mars and Jupiter - the fearless and enthusiastic embrace to opportunity. Be like the Sun at midday. Exploit all the resources of the Star of David with limitless abandon.

Only with unlimited ventures can the real time warp/space warp of life lead one’s efforts to the stars, whether Alpha Centauri or beyond.

Get inspired, dagnubbit. The grand sextile is a big deal and it’s ten days away! By the way, the next SkyScraping will post the day following the magnanimous pattern.